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How to configure Magento 2 free shipping

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Shipping choices play a vital role in an online shopper’s decision whether the cart is worth the payment. People usually put off buying something because they felt the delivery costs were too high – the fact that most shoppers are OK waiting for shipping coupon offers or receiving their order later than expected if they don’t have to pay for shipping.

Free shipping can be an effective marketing strategy designed to benefit both the consumers and the retailers. When retailers can bring customer orders to the shop, they’ll come and pick it up if that’s what it takes to escape a delivery fee. And once they’re in the store, they’re very open to seeing what else the retailer has to offer. The goal is to encourage an increase in sales and keep consumers returning to your store, regardless of taking a short-term loss. Eventually, all the sacrifices will be paid off when you gain customer trust and loyalty. Still, there are many methods to offer free shipping while remains the revenue, you can read our blog to figure out how. Today, we will show you an easy way to enable free shipping for all products in your Magento 2 store.

Enable Free Shipping for Your Magento 2 Store

  1. On the left is the Admin sidebar, go to Stores.
  2. Under Setting, choose Configuration.
freeshipping configuration

3. Expand Sales panel, then choose Shipping method.

freeshipping method

4. Expand Free Shipping section and do as follow:

  • Uncheck the Use system value box and set Enable to “Yes”.
  • Name the Free Shipping method to appear during checkout in the Title box.
  • Method Name describes this shipping method.
  • Minimum Order Amount specifies the least possible price that can apply Free shipping.
  • Enter notification for the customer if free Shipping becomes unavailable in Displayed Error Message.
  • Select the country you want to apply free shipping in the list Ship to Specific Countries.
  • Set Show Method if Not Applicable to “Yes” means when not applicable, store view still show the Free shipping Method .
  • Fill a Sort Order number to decide the order of free shipping in the list of shipping methods during checkout.
set freeshipping rule name

Complete other settings for the carrier service that you want to offer.

5. After completing the Configuration, choose Save Config on the right corner.

6. Flush Cache and test on your Storefront

free shipping on website

Above is the configuration of the Free Shipping for all products bases on Magento Open Source User Guide. With this MAGENTO 2 guide, we hope you can apply for your site successfully and easily. Watch our video for better understand. Visit our blogs and learn how to set up free shipping for a specific product.

For more information, please refer to Magento 2 User Guide. Read our blog and learn how to offer free shipping as coupon codes.