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Shopify Order Sync FAQ

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1. Can HexaSync synchronize a Buy X Get Y order to Shopify?

HexaSync can synchronize a Buy X get Y order to Shopify. Take a look below, I’ll show you how to set up buy X get Y on Shopify.

These are the steps to create a Buy X get Y discount code. For more detailed information, you can visit this HexaSyncbsite: Buy X get Y discounts

  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Discounts.
  2. Click Create Discount.
  3. In the Select discount type menu, click Buy X and get Y.
  4. Under Method, select Discount code.
  5. Enter a name for the discount code, for example, buyonegetonefree, or to generate a random discount code, click Generate.
  6. In the Customer buys section, configure the following settings.
    • Select the Minimum quantity of items or Minimum purchase amount.
    • Set the number of items that the customer must buy or the amount of money that the customer must spend to be eligible for the discount.
    • In the Any items from section, select Specific products or Specific collections
    • Use the search field or click Browse to add products or collections to the promotion. If you want to remove a product or collection from the discount, then click X.
  7. In the Customer Gets section, configure the following settings.
    • Set the quantity of items that the customer receives a discount on.
    • In the Any items from section, select Specific products or Specific collections.
    • Use the search field or click Browse to add products or collections that qualify for the discount. If you want to remove a product or collection, then click X to delete it from the list.
    • In the At a discounted value section, select Percentage, Amount off each, or Free.
    • To set the maximum number of uses per order, check Set the maximum number of uses per order and then enter the maximum number of times that this promotion can apply to each order.
  8. In the Customer eligibility section, select who is eligible to use this discount: everyone, specific customer segments, or specific customers.
    • Use the search field to choose the individuals or groups that you want to be eligible to use the discount.
    • To remove an individual customer or customer segment from eligibility to use a discount, click the X.
  9. If you want to limit discount usage, then check one of the options in the Maximum discount uses section:
    • Limit the number of times this discount can be used in total lets you set a maximum number of times that the discount can be used on your store. For example, setting a limit of 200 allows the discount code to be used 200 times across all customers. If you choose this setting, then each customer can still use the discount multiple times.
    • Limit to one per customer lets you limit a customer’s email address or phone number to one use of the discount code.
  10. To let customers combine this discount code with other discount codes, in the Combinations section, check the classes of discount codes that you want this discount to be eligible to combine with.
  11. In the Active Dates section, configure the following settings.
    • Use the calendar to set the start date for the discount.
    • If you want to set an end date for the discount, then click Set End Date and use the calendar to choose when the discount will end. If you don’t choose an end date for your discount, then it doesn’t expire. If you want the discount to be valid for only one day, then select the same calendar day for both the start date and the end date.
  12. Click Save.

Your new discount is displayed in the Discounts tab in your Shopify admin. To distribute this discount, you can send the code to your customers by email or display it on your online store.

Your customers need to add all applicable products to their cart and enter the discount code at checkout to receive the discount. The discounted or free products aren’t added to the cart automatically.

These are the steps to create an automatic Buy X get Y discount.

  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Discounts.
  2. From the Discounts page, click Create discount.
  3. From the Select discount type menu, click Buy X get Y.
  4. Under METHOD, select Automatic discount.
  5. In the Title section, enter a name for the automatic discount (for example, buyonegetonefree).
  6. Optional: To offer this discount for your retail locations, check Also offer on Point of Sale (POS Pro locations only). Automatic discounts only apply to retail locations with a POS Pro subscription. If you have some locations with a POS Lite subscription, then the automatic discounts aren’t active in the checkout.
  7. In the Customer buys section, configure the following settings.
    • Choose Minimum quantity of items or Minimum purchase amount.
    • Set the number of items that the customer must buy or the amount of money that the customer must spend to be eligible for the discount.
    • In the Any items from section, choose whether you want to include products or collections as the qualifying items.
    • Use the search field or the Browse button to add products or collections to the promotion. If you want to remove a product or collection from the discount, then click X to delete it from the list.
  8. In the Customer gets section, configure the following settings.
    • Set the quantity of items that the customer must add to their cart to get the discount.
    • In the Any items from section, choose whether you want to include products or collections as the discounted items. If the product or collection is the same as the one set in the Customer buys section, then the loHexaSyncr-priced item that the customer chooses is the item that the customer gets at a discount.
    • Use the search field or the Browse button to add products or collections. If you want to remove a product or collection, then click X to delete it from the list.
    • In the At a discounted value section, choose the discounted value that customers receive when they buy the set number of items. If you want to offer a percentage discount, then select Percentage and enter a rate. If you want to offer amount off each item, then select Amount off each. If you want to offer items for free, then select Free.
    • Optional: Check Set the maximum number of uses per order and then enter the maximum number of times that this promotion can be applied to an order.
  9. To let customers combine this discount code with other discount codes, in the Combinations section, check the classes of discount codes that you want this discount to be eligible to combine with.
  10. In the Active dates section, configure the following settings.
    • Use the calendar to set the start date for the discount.
    • If you want to set an end date for the discount, then click Set end date and use the calendar to choose when the discount will end. If you don’t choose an end date for your discount, then it will have no expiry. If you want the discount to be valid for only one day, then select the same calendar day for both the start date and the end date.
  11. Click Save.

Your new discount is displayed on the Discounts page.

Your customers need to add all applicable products to their cart to receive the discount. The discounted or free products aren’t added to the cart automatically.

2. Can HexaSync delete a Shopify Order on Shopify using Shopify API?

Using the Shopify API, you can delete orders on Postman. HoHexaSyncver, orders that interact with the online portal cannot be deleted.

Following these steps to know how to delete a Shopify Order on Shopify Using Shopify API.

  • Log in to your Postman and create a new workspace
  • Create a new DELETE with this URL:
https://{username}:{password}@{shop}{order_id}.jsonCode language: JavaScript (javascript)

Then, click SEND

If the call is successful, the Postman will respond with an empty array like this {}

3. Can HexaSync create a Shopify Order with a Bundle Product?

HexaSync can create a Shopify order with a Bundle product. To know what a bundle product is, bundle app options, or bundle types, you can visit this link: Shopify help center.

Dive into this section, I will show you how to create a Shopify Order with a Bundle Product. 

Your store needs to fulfill the following conditions to sell bundles:

  1. Either a custom storefront or the online store sales channel must be used by your store. It does not yet support other sales channels.
  2. On your Shopify store, a bundles app needs to be deployed.
  3. Your store must not use any checkout.liquid customizations or features. Reverting to checkout.liquid will make your store incompatible with Bundles.
  4. You cannot use the following apps in your store:
    1. Global-e
    2. Licensify
    3. The legacy Recharge subscriptions app

Before creating a bundle, you need to create products.

These are steps to create a bundle on a desktop.

  1. From your Shopify admin, click Bundles.
  2. Click Create bundle.
  3. In the Title field, enter a title for your bundle.
  4. Click Select products.
  5. In the Add products dialog, select the products that you want to include in your bundle, and then click Select.
  6. Optional: Do any of the following:
    • To increase the quantity of a product in your bundle, adjust the number in the quantity field.
    • To adjust the variants included in your bundle, click the variant name to select or deselect the variant.
    • To add the quantity as a bundle option, click the gear icon next to the product, and then select Add quantity as an option.
    • To create a multipack bundle, click the gear icon and select Duplicate product.
  7. Click Save and continue.
  8. On the product details page, add any applicable product details.
  9. Optional: Under Status, select Active from the drop-down to update the product status.
  10. Click Save.

These are steps to create a bundle on an iPhone.

  1. From the Shopify app, tap … > Apps.
  2. Tap Bundles > Create bundle.
  3. In the Title field, enter a title for your bundle.
  4. Tap Select products.
  5. Tap the products that you want to add to your bundle, and then tap Save.
  6. Optional: Do any of the following:
    • To increase the quantity of a product in your bundle, adjust the number in the quantity field.
    • To adjust the variants included in your bundle, tap the variant name to select or deselect the variant.
    • To add the quantity as a bundle option, tap the gear icon next to the product, and then tap Add quantity as an option.
    • To create a multipack bundle, tap the gear icon next to the product, and then tap Duplicate product.
  7. Tap Save and continue.
  8. On the product details page, add any applicable product details.
  9. Tap Save.
  10. In the Set product status dialog, tap Save as draft or Set as active. If you choose Set as active, then ensure the Online Store sales channel is selected, and then tap Done.

These are steps to create a bundle on an Android.

  1. From the Shopify app, tap … > Apps.
  2. Tap Bundles > Create bundle.
  3. In the Title field, enter a title for your bundle.
  4. Tap Select products.
  5. Tap the products that you want to add to your bundle, and then tap ✓.
  6. Optional: Do any of the following:
    • To increase the quantity of a product in your bundle, adjust the number in the quantity field.
    • To adjust the variants included in your bundle, tap the variant name to select or deselect the variant.
    • To add the quantity as a bundle option, tap the gear icon next to the product, and then tap Add quantity as an option.
    • To create a multipack bundle, tap the gear icon next to the product, and then tap Duplicate product.
  7. Tap Save and continue.
  8. On the product details page, add any applicable product details.
  9. Tap ✓.
  10. In the Set product status dialog, tap SAVE AS DRAFT or SET AS ACTIVE. If you choose SET AS ACTIVE, then ensure the Online Store sales channel is selected, and then tap ←.

After creating a bundle, you can create a new Shopify order on the store like other orders. 

4. Can HexaSync create a Shopify Order with Combo Product?

Unlike “frequently bought together” style bundles, Shopify combo products are products that are aggregated into one single product pack. 

Here are the steps to create a combo product in Shopify. 

  1. Log in to your Shopify admin and go to Products > Add product.
  2. Enter a name and description for your combo product.
  3. In the Product type section, select Combo product from the drop-down menu.
  4. Choose the products that you want to include in the combo product from the Add Products field. You can search for products by name or SKU.
  5. Enter the price for the combo product in the Price field. This is the price that will be charged for the entire combo product, not for each product.
  6. Save your changes and that’s it! Your combo product is now ready for sale.

After creating a combo product, you can create a new Shopify order on the store like other orders. 

5. Can HexaSync update a Shopify Order via API?

There are 2 ways to update a Shopify order via API. 

The first one, you can delete the old order via API and create a new one. 

Let’s see the ansHexaSyncr to question 2 to know how to delete an order. 

To create a new one, you have many options:

  1. Create a comprehensive order
  2. Create a partially paid order with a new customer and addresses
  3. Create a pending order with an existing customer
  4. Create a simple order and fulfill it
  5. Create a simple order with only a product variant ID and no optional parameters
  6. Create a simple order without sending an order receipt or a fulfillment receipt
  7. Create a simple order, sending an order confirmation and a shipping confirmation to the customer
  8. Create an order and apply a discount
  9. Create an order with tax lines split across taxable line items
  10. Creating an order with tax lines both on line items and on the order fails and returns an error

Choosing what option depends on your needs.

Below are steps to create a comprehensive order using Shopify API.

  • Log in to your Postman and create a new workspace.
  • Create a new POST with this URL:
https://{username}:{password}@{shop} language: JavaScript (javascript)

In the body section, choose “raw” and “JSON”.

Enter this code, then click Send.

Note that you can customize the metrics you want to update

    "order": {
        "line_items": [{
            "title": "Big Brown Bear Boots",
            "price": 74.99,
            "grams": "1300",
            "quantity": 3,
            "tax_lines": [{
                "price": 13.5,
                "rate": 0.06,
                "title": "State tax"
        "transactions": [{
            "kind": "sale",
            "status": "success",
            "amount": 238.47
        "total_tax": 13.5,
        "currency": "EUR"
}Code language: JSON / JSON with Comments (json)

After the Postman is loaded, the new order will be created successfully.

The second one is to update the current Shopify order.

Using API, it allows for updating properties of an order, including `buyer_accepts_marketing,` `email`, `phone`, `note`, `tags`, `metafields`, and `shipping_address_attributes`. It is not for editing the items of an order. 

Below, I will show you an example of how to change the order phone number using Shopify API.

  • Log in to your Postman and create a new workspace
  • Create a new PUT with this URL:
https://{username}:{password}@{shop}{order_id}.jsonCode language: JavaScript (javascript)

In the body section, choose “raw” and “JSON”.

Enter this code, then click Send.

    "order": {
        "id": {order_id},
        "phone": “{phone_number}”
}Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

Order_ID = The ID of the order, used for API purposes. This is different from the order_number property, which is the ID used by the shop owner and customer.

Phone number = The customer’s phone number for receiving SMS notifications.

Besides changing those order’s properties. You can update the order status like this:

The above information will help you gain more knowledge about Shopify Order Sync. Thank you for reading our blog. If you have questions about Shopify order sync, let us know in the comment below, and HexaSync will respond soon.