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Basic Software Concepts


Abbreviation DescriptionReferences
SaaSIs an acronym for “Software as As Service” which means software as a service. This software is remotely owned, distributed, and managed by one or more vendors.
iPaaSAn acronym for “Integration Platform as a Service” which is a suite of cloud services enabling development, execution, and governance of integration flows connecting any combination of on-premises and cloud-based processes, services, applications, and data within individuals or across multiple organizations.
AdobeDepending on the location, Adobe means mean either Adobe Inc., Adobe Systems Software Ireland Limited, or Adobe Systems Pty Ltd.,
MicrosoftMicrosoft Corporation
Dynamics 365 FnO ERP or Dynamics 365 FnO or MS 365 FnOAn ERP system that unifies global financials and operations to empower people to make fast, informed decisions. This system is built and maintained by Microsoft.
HexaSyncIs a SaaS provided and operated by Beehexa at HexaSync is also known as HexaSync Platform or HexaSync Integration Platform.
HexaSync ProfileAn engine is built on HexaSync to synchronize data between two different software of a specific customer. 
HexaSync AccountThe account of the service user on HexaSync. One account can create multiple HexaSync Profiles.

 Technical Terms

The Web or WebThe World Wide Web (known as “WWW’, “Web” or “W3”) is the universe of network-accessible information, the embodiment of human knowledge
APIAn acronym for “Application Programming Interface”. It helps the outside world interact with software to trigger a certain action.What is an API?
Web APIIs an API for the Web. In this document, without specifying the details, we understand API and Web API as one. 
URL or Web URLAn acronym for Uniform Resource Locator.It is one of the most important concepts of the Web.
API EndpointA specific touchpoint to a software application and represented as a URL. Different applications will have different API Endpoint conventions. An application can have multiple API Endpoints. Each Endpoint usually represents a certain type of resource (Resource) that the application provides.
EntityEntity is a concept in the field of computer science and databases, often used to describe a real-world object, object, or person.
Ex: Product, Warehouse, Order, Customer, Address 
AttributeAnything helps describe an Entity. Attribute should be accompanied by a specific Entity for example:Product AttributeWarehouse AttributeOrder Attribute
MappingWithin the scope of this document, Mapping is used to describe the correspondence of concepts across two different systems.
Entity Attribute MappingDescribe the relationship between properties of Entities between systems. This relationship is usually 1:1.
ProductProducts are the goods, electronic downloads, services, and gift cards you sell. You add a product by entering product details and uploading a product image. If the product has options, such as size or color, you can add a model to each option combination.
VariantYou add a model to a product that has multiple options, such as size or color. Each option value combination for a product can be a model of that product.For example, suppose that you sell t-shirts with two options: size and color. The size option has three values: small, medium, and large. The color option has two values: blue and green. One particular look from these options is a small, blue t-shirt.
WarehouseThis is a place used to store goods or other items before they are shipped to the place of final consumption. Warehouses are commonly used in business and manufacturing operations to store and manage products or materials.
Inventory Item An inventory item represents a physical product. It holds basic information about the physical product including the SKU value and whether the product is tracked in stock.
StockIn the field of warehouse management, stock is understood as the total amount of goods or products that a business or individual owns and stores in its warehouse.