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Microsoft Dynamics 365 FnO ERP Terms

DefinitionGeneral DescriptionReferences
Dynamics FnO APIThe API is used to interact with Dynamics 365 FnO.
ProductA product is primarily defined by a product number, name, and description. However, other data is also required in order to describe a product or service:
– Product type: Item or service
– Product subtype: Distinct products or product masters
– Definition of the product variant model:
+ Product dimensions and dimension groups
+ Product nomenclature
+ Product configuration models
– Association of the product with one or more categories
– Definition of the product and category attributes
– Product images
– Attachments
– Units of measure and related conversions
– Translations for all names and descriptions
Product Variant You can define a product as a product master. After you define a product master, you can use dimensions, such as size, color, and style, to define product variants. For example, a particular shirt might have variants that are combinations of size, color, and style.
Inventory Item Physical things, such as bicycles, telephones, and desks, for which you want to be able to use all inventory processes. Inventory items can also include nonphysical items, such as software licenses and subscriptions, if the items have identification numbers, such as serial numbers. You can fully track item values and availability in inventory.
StockIn the field of warehouse management, the stock is understood as the total amount of goods or products that a business or individual owns and stores in its warehouse.