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Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Terms

DefinitionGeneral DescriptionReferences
Dynamics 365 Business Central APIThe API is used to interact with Dynamics 365 Business Central
ProductItems, among other products, are the basis of your business, the goods, or services that you trade in. Each item must be registered as an item card.
Product Variant Item variants are a great way to keep your list of products under control. For example, you have a large number of items that are almost identical and vary only in color. You can define each variant as a separate item. But you can also choose to set up one item and specify the various colors as variants of the item.
Inventory Item Inventory specifies that the item is a physical unit that you manage and track in inventory
StockStock transfers for a selected item in a time period to determine the basis of the current quantity in inventory
Sales OrderA sales invoice or sales order to record your agreement with a customer to sell certain products on certain delivery and payment terms
SKUStock Keeping Units (SKUs) to record information about items for a specific location or a variant. They let you add different information about an item for a specific location