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Shopify Terms

ShopifyShopify Incorporation
Shopify Admin API or Shopify APIThis is an acronym to talk about Admin Rest API or Graph QL Admin API. For HexaSync and documents related to using HexaSync to connect Shopify to other applications, we often abbreviate to “Shopify API ” instead of Shopify Admin API.
Shopify Resource  or Shopify API ResourceThis term is not described in detail on Shopify’s manual page. However, we can understand it as some kind of merchant data provided through a Shopify API Endpoint.
ProductYour products are the goods, digital downloads, services, and gift cards that you sell. You add a product in Shopify by entering product details and uploading product images. If your product has options, like size or color, then you can add a variant for each combination of options.​
Product Variant  You add variants to a product that comes in more than one option, such as size or color. Each combination of option values for a product can be a variant for that product.
For example, suppose that you sell T-shirts with two options: size and color. The size option has three values: small, medium, and large. The color option has two values: blue and green. One specific variant from these options is a small, blue T-shirt.
InventoryInventory is the quantity of a particular product that is available for sale.
MetafieldMetafields help you to customize the functionality and appearance of your Shopify store by letting you save specialized information that isn’t usually captured in the Shopify admin. You can use metafields for internal tracking, or to display specialized information on your online store in a variety of ways.