Try HexaSync Now

KiotViet, Shopify, Google Sheet Integration

Integrating KiotViet POS with Shopify and Google Sheets with HexaSync will help you save time and input personnel. You can sell, order, care for customers, make reports, make receipts, place orders, return goods, manage inventory… and many more activities to improve sales performance and increase store revenue with optimal costs and personnel.


Livestream will include 2 main parts

  1. Demo Shopify KiotViet Integration
  2. Demo Google sheet KiotViet Integration

          Time: 20:00 GMT+7
          May 09, 2023



Phan Vu Giap

Mr. Phan Vu Giap

Founder & CEO

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beehexa beehexa member

Ms. Quin Huynh

Business Development Executive

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beehexa member

Ms. Quynh Anh

Business Development Executive

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